Saturday, May 27

Long Weekend and Video Games

I didn't have to work today, and I don't have to work tomorrow or Monday! WOO. Its cool but at the same time I'd like to be able to check my work email which I can't from home. Oh well. I'm currently sitting at Panera Bread just chilling out with my laptop. can't type very well but that could be the 2 coffees I've just had. The store is closed but cause I know the assistant manager I get to stay inside!

I spent most of today at home just cleaning the apartment a bit and playing video games on my computer. Without realizing it I nearly played 4 hours of CivIV today. Its Sean's game I barely know how to play but its pretty cool and definitely fun. Can't play it here tho. Its not meant to be played with a touch pad and I did not bring my mouse. One thing I'm looking for here tho is an old game console system for back at the apartment. Since the cable doesn't work and I doubt we will get it hooked up this summer it would be cool to be able to entertain myself with an N64 or SuperNES. They are fairly hard to come by for a decent price here. been checking craigslist (which is way popular around here) but they don't have what I'm looking for. If anyone has any other ideas let me know. I can only play so many hours of GBA before my eyes go crazy.

I've been recalling the past few weeks here, its all been very interesting. Work of course is overwhelming but its different things that have made the journey interesting. Some of the things I've noticed,
  • Even when you think you are getting a decent deal and you've tried a dozen ways to make it cheaper people will still make fun of you and think you are nuts for paying so much.
  • I do a lot of planning, and obsessing over details.
  • It was a lot of work to actually get here and have everything planned as much as I did, and I'm not sure anybody else saw all those details.
  • I find I talk about Sean a lot more here than I do at home, and I think that's understandable cause hes here with me but its a totally different experience for me. When I'm at home, I try not to talk about him as much cause he's far away.
  • I think I like the idea of working at a big company with a small company/educational feel.
  • I miss my friends and family a lot. Its hard being away.
  • I know people will hate me for saying this, But I miss Sheik (the cat) more than I expected. Bailey too, but I'm used to being away from Bailey (the dog).
That's all I have right now I believe.


Anonymous said...

Entertainment Solution:

USB Controller for laptop
SNES Emulator + ROMs

Anonymous said...

Who could possibly hate you for missing Sheik??? I go away for a weekend and miss her, and it is only because she is the best pet in the entire world. And I know she misses you too. Just thought I'd come on and defend her

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.