So here is where I'm starting my question list, in no particular order
Please give any suggestions you have...
1. Do I have to find my own place?
2. Do I get paid... well... ?
3. What should I bring?
4. Do I need a new computer?
5. How much do Cell phones cost in the states?
6. How do I get a work Visa?
7. Where is the closest airport?
8. Where is the closest beach?
9. Can I have guests?
10. Can I take any sort of pictures inside the Googleplex?
11. Can my guests eat for free?
12. Do I get free Google swag?
13. Do I get my own email address?
14. Can I keep it?
15. Can I get time off for the Jake's Wedding?
16. Can I get time off for the OUCC?
17. Can this eventually turn into a full time job?
18. Do I get any sort of stock options?
19. Do I need my car?
20. Do I really have to work?
21. How strict is the NDA?
22. What are the Hours like?
23. Can I still use MSN?
24. Is it okay to be star-struck by Google?
25. Do I get to meet Brin and Page?
26. How many did you hire?
I'm sure I will add more...
Like... Do I have to open a US bank account?!