Saturday, March 24

Computer Science Co-op at UWindsor

These are my frustrations with very little answers.

I had an excellent time as a co-op student. I learned a lot about myself and about my future career. I learned what I can do, and what doesn't work for me. I learned how to do a resume; cover letter; technical report; report defense presentation. I improved my time management skills and made some excellent industry contacts and future job prospects. (And I'm not just talking about G)

However I sit on many co-op committees and hear many different opinions about the program, about the students in it and about the faculty members view of it. I hear all the circular arguments about it... like there are no good jobs in co-op in Windsor but I can't leave the city to find a job cause it will cost to much. Many students won't even take a job that isn't on a bus route in Windsor. Not to mention that there are much better paying jobs outside of the city if they are just willing to push themselves and do a little work. To which the faculty say ... these work term reports are substandard... these kids aren't doing anything worth while in co-op and they just don't understand what a technical work term report is supposed to be. The co-op office provides many seminars and sessions for students to work on and improve their co-op and employability skills that no one ever shows up to... but they also never remind any students about it.... they should have personal accountability and their own time management skills.


There are so many good qualities about the program it would be nice it see the not so great ones improved and the enrollment and participation in co-op increase. I know that the CS faculty and the co-op office are trying their hardest to improve the program, hopefully I have been helpful with my input and the program can continue.

Blogged on Saturday Night in Dillion Hall Rm 355

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should offer insentives to students that study away from Windsor. Like scholarships upon return (small ones even) or less requirements for work term reports. Also, what would of helped me (someone who never lived away from home) would of been compulsary seminars about how to live away from home (how and where to get apartments, internet) that are specific to the location that the students would go (When i came to Switzerland I had no fricken idea how to get Internet, or where to go shopping for food, etc). I think fear is a major driving force behind not applying to places outside of Windsor.

my blog owns yours.
