Monday, March 26
Flip Flops!
Saturday, March 24
Computer Science Co-op at UWindsor
I had an excellent time as a co-op student. I learned a lot about myself and about my future career. I learned what I can do, and what doesn't work for me. I learned how to do a resume; cover letter; technical report; report defense presentation. I improved my time management skills and made some excellent industry contacts and future job prospects. (And I'm not just talking about G)
However I sit on many co-op committees and hear many different opinions about the program, about the students in it and about the faculty members view of it. I hear all the circular arguments about it... like there are no good jobs in co-op in Windsor but I can't leave the city to find a job cause it will cost to much. Many students won't even take a job that isn't on a bus route in Windsor. Not to mention that there are much better paying jobs outside of the city if they are just willing to push themselves and do a little work. To which the faculty say ... these work term reports are substandard... these kids aren't doing anything worth while in co-op and they just don't understand what a technical work term report is supposed to be. The co-op office provides many seminars and sessions for students to work on and improve their co-op and employability skills that no one ever shows up to... but they also never remind any students about it.... they should have personal accountability and their own time management skills.
There are so many good qualities about the program it would be nice it see the not so great ones improved and the enrollment and participation in co-op increase. I know that the CS faculty and the co-op office are trying their hardest to improve the program, hopefully I have been helpful with my input and the program can continue.
Blogged on Saturday Night in Dillion Hall Rm 355
Friday, March 23
Busy Week!
Sunday, March 18
Math vs. CS Profs
By this point in my math degree, I’ve been exposed to many different philosophies of teaching that the math professors at the University have. Also, being an ‘honorary CS student’, I get to hear about from my friends, read about on Ataraxis and sometimes personally witness the styles of the CS professors. I’ve been pondering the major differences I’ve observed and realized that this comic from xkcd really helps sum it up:
It seems to me that a lot of the CS profs don’t want their students to succeed. They don’t give them any breaks, and some even punish the students when the prof themselves made a mistake. For example, with one of the CS profs, if he makes a mistake marking your test and owes you extra marks, if you go and see him about it, he’ll give you the marks, but just find somewhere else to take them off so he doesn’t have to change your mark. Also, some CS profs, not only give you zero for a wrong true/false answer, but will give negative marks for guessing (0 if left blank, -3 for getting it wrong). I know that this happens in other subjects sometimes too, but it does not happen in math.
The math professors (minus a few of the crappy sessionals from first year) really want their students to do well. It’s not like they just give away marks, but they really want you to learn the material, and will give you marks if you can demonstrate you have learned it. For example, my one prof (the now-famous Tim Traynor from Pi Day), will give you 3/10 on a proof, even if you do not know how to do it at all, but write down the definitions of terms used in the theorem! Some of the math profs also set up extra study sessions (like group office hours) to help the class do well on the assignments or midterms.
I don’t know the exact reason for this major difference in teaching styles, but I think it may have to do with the type of people that are computer science (sometimes more introverted) and in math (sometimes more pleasant). I definitely think that the math profs are trying to make the students learn more, and aren’t just trying to make them cry.
Saturday, March 17
City vs Country Test
[x] I've been to Starbucks more than once in my life
[] I link arms whenever I walk with someone
[x] I shop at AE, A&F, or HCO
[x] I own 2 or more polo shirts
[x] I will never be caught without my cellphone
[] I straighten or blow dry my hair on a daily basis
[x] I wear flipflops no matter what the weather
[x] I own an oversized pair of sunglasses
[] I own 1 or more pairs of ripped jeans
[x] I layer my shirts
[] I will do anything to get the best Myspace pic
[] I had a "Myspace mirror pic"
[] When I'm not drinking starbucks I prefer water
[] I get annoyed with tom-boys
[] I own an oversized bag or purse
[] I have seen every episode of Laguna Beach
[] My new addiction is 8th & Ocean or the Hills
[] I say "lol" in every sentence of every online conversation
[x] I own tight jeans
[] I wear large necklaces
[x] I own an iPod/mp3 player
[x] The internet = survival
[x] one of the sports I play/played is Football, Baseball, Basketball
[] have more than 1 AIM screen name
[x] I have said "lol" or "OMG!" in a real conversation
[x] I love shopping
[x] I shop whenever I have a chance
[] I own a bathing suit that cost 100 dollars or more
[] I have watched the Simple Life
***add x's & Multiply By 3 & Put "I'm % City***
[x] ridden a horse
[x] owned a horse (a pony counts!)
[] owned land
[x] been 4 wheelin'
[x] said "ain't"
[] been cow-tipping
[] been deer hunting
[x] been swimming in a lake..
[] caught a fish
[] seen a deer get skinned
Total: 5
You ...
[x] have worked on a ranch or on land
[x] have lived in a house in the middle of nowhere
[] have been duck hunting
[] have went swimming in a river
[x] driven or have owned a truck
[] owned a rebel flag
[] like to fish
[x] have a funny accent... or thats what people tell you (Does Canadian accent Count?)
[x] own/owned a pair of cowboy boots
[x] own/owned a cowboy hat
[x] own/have owned a big dog..
[] sometimes say "y'all"
[] have gotten made fun of for sayin "y'all"
Total: 12
You also...
[x] cuss when you're mad
[] have dipped/dip snuff
[x] go to church on sunday
[] owned/own a hunting dog
[] have ridden a horse to somewhere in town
[x] have gone on a field trip to a farm/ranch
[x] have eaten deer/elk meat
[x] have shot a gun
[] always listen to country music
[x] park your vehicles in the yard
Total: 18
[] have gone shopping...for a gun
[] get the kids in your family a toy gun for christmas
[] wear long sleeves even in the summer
[x] know what stirrups are
[] have fed the deer..
[x] know the difference between a guitar and a banjo
total: 20
***Add x's & Multiply By 3 & Put "I'm % Country**
I’m 60% Country
BUT actually a better representation of the % would be an actual precent since the numbers just don't add up. City and country don't have even close to the same amount of points.
City has 29 points ... I answered yes to 14 of them. == 48.3%
Country has 39 points ... I answered yes to 20 of them. == 51.3%
Its pretty cool that it looks like the numbers are related but really they are independent of each other, there is nothing stopping you from getting 100% in both.
The whole multiply times 3 thing doesn't even make sense... if you were really country and answered yes to everything you would be 117% country... which is just dumb.
I usually don't even read survey things like this but it seemed interesting enough, what it lead me to was that many people don't understand math even in basic concepts. I realize that this puts me out on a limb, by defending math I'm also showing my geeky side. But really, how many people can say that are comfortable with themselves. I love who I am and what I've become. A little country and a little city but a lot of geek. I not only celebrated pi day, I was one of the main organizers for the event. I've found a group of friends who not only accept me, but are like me as much as some of them may denie it. No one has as much fun as us.
Also. This test is very biased towards girls... particularly in the city section. But maybe that was the intention.
Wednesday, March 14
Monday, March 12
Recurrences; Help
1. how to find a recurrence from the algorithm
2. how to prove a recurrence using the master theorem
2a. how to decide which case to use
I am going crazy and none of this makes sense.
Friday, March 9
Writers Block
From time to time my friends Matt and Michelle have really been inspired to the point of almost starting a blog. They have been offered the chance to guest author on my blog ... but have recently been faced with the same writers block. While starring at the blank page with the flashing cursor its hard to think of something witty and insightful to write.
I dunno... Anyone have any good ideas?
Saturday, March 3
UofW CS Website Launched
So after so many months of work it's finally done, well at least enough to be launched. It may not be perfect ... but its a lot better than it was before the usability study, if I do say so myself. The 12 page usability report was a lot for them to digest but I was actually impressed that a lot of it was incorporated. It's not done just yet ... it still requires more content. But it's a lot closer than it was at the beginning of the year.
Even got an honorable mention
Thursday, March 1
Oh California...
The Prius Drinking Game - Every time you see a Toyota Prius you take a drink. Here in CA it is guaranteed to get you drunk faster than any game other drinking game... Kings included. They are simply everywhere here. While Sean and I were out for a walk we came up with the game, unfortunately (or fortunately) we didn't have anything to drink. If you think that this is too weak then just up the anti..... Drink every time you see a Hybrid car.
The "rain" - the weather here in the valley is the strangest phenomena ever. It has been in the teens (Celsius) all week here with random bouts of cloudiness, but in comparison to the negative degrees and snow that Windsor is getting... it is quite beautiful. I mean... I haven't wore my coat the entire time, mostly out of stubbornness. Every so often it "rains", which is really not rain and only lasts about 20 to 60 minutes before its sunny again. Even stranger is the locals reaction to... "this horrible weather"... that they are having.
Chinese Food - I have been spoiled for Chinese food. California is a food lovers paradise without a doubt. But I have been constantly amazed by the quality of the Chinese food here. Amazing portions and fantastic taste. And since I've started eating here I've become much more critical of my food, and Windsor Chinese just can't even come close.
On a random walk, we found "Singularity Ave" and thought that it would be a fun place to live.
Getting used to the TV schedule is a little weird. I had to watch Heroes, 3 hours after everyone back in Ontario did. But there are something that play at the same time. Like Discovery channel and Food network. These channels aren't really dependent on a time zone and usually play all the same shows 3 hours later anyways.
That's all that comes to mind right now. I can't believe its already Thursday, this week has gone by incredibly fast and I haven't got caught up on much of my school work. I suppose I still have at least one day in transit to do some work.