Friday, February 2

Online "Get-to-Know-You" Questionnaires

Okay, this morning in my random Facebook probing I was reading someone (who should remain nameless, cause it could be anyone) and they had completed a random "Get-to-Know-You" questionnaires, which are usually pretty interesting to read, but something struck me as odd.

Who needs a phishing scheme when you can just start a new survey! These survey things seemed to be okay when passed as email, not totally secure but definitely not right out there on the internet. All someone would have to do would be cleverly hide the important questions in the middle of a bunch of dumb questions.

Among the 200 questions on this survey were:
200. My middle name is:
199. I was born on:
197. My cell phone company is:
192. I am allergic to:
191. I was born in:
190. I live in:
179. My favorite Holiday is:
89. Who makes you laugh the most?
67. People call me:
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket:
56. My zodiac sign is:
50. What is your dream job?
49. First job?:
47. I have these pets:
33. My favorite piece of clothing is:
32. My favorite sport is:
29. My computer is:
28. The school I go to is:
22. The all-time best movie is:
21. The all-time best thing in the world is:
12. I want to be:
10. My favorite words are:
8. My favorite celebrity is:
5. My weakness is:
4. What I like about the opposite sex:
Like really... they could ask about your car, license plate, do you prefer visa or mastercard...
I'm surprised that "Whats your mother's maiden name?" wasn't on there... With identity theft running rampant all this information can be used against you. I think in the next couple of years social networks like Facebook and MySpace are going to have to consider the implications of their services.

On a related note, it's going to be an interesting day when the teens that used myspace at the height of it existence are trying to get a job... with ALL of their dirty laundry online, trying to make themselves look cool will give their potential employer a much more complete view of who they are hiring.

Post 150 woo!

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