Thursday, February 22

The Study Break Tease

Woo! Spring break ... a week off from school. Isn't it fantastic to have a whole week off an not HAVE to think about school... What a lie! Over the break instead of just playing catch-up on my reading I have 2 assignments and a midterm to study for. Maybe it is a 4th year thing but many of my profs seem to enjoy in the fact that its called study break not spring break. Okay, FINE, but you all can't have the same plan. I would rather stay in school for the extra week then be expected to do all this extra work.

"But it's study break and you should be able to do lots of studying." "But we are giving you extra time to work on it" NO. It's not fair. Some people do go away for the break and like to have actual time of off to take the break that we so desperately need. It's like this horrible tease, that's the best way to describe it.

My spring break plans include: Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Midterm Studying, Going to Cali to see Sean, Thesis Research, Video Games (new DS games!), New textbook reading, and... maybe sleeping in... that would be nice.

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