Monday, May 14

I'm still alive!


So A LOT has happened since my last update so this post should be full of kick ass information and stories about myself... But I'll probably lose interest half way through and put everything in bullet points or something like that... Sounds like me at the moment.

There are somethings that I should have done already but still haven't. Like my report for the university... for work.. that I should have finished before I left. I'm sorry Richard, there is no real excuse I've just gotten lazy I suppose. I plan on sending something in point form tho I'm sure you don't really need it anymore. (I feel like I've burnt a bridge that I really didn't want to). Secondly the other report for Dr. Boulos.... Its not overdue but I'm sure someone is waiting on it. One of these nights I will be able to pull my thoughts together on the subject and send it off.

I've started work! I''m back at G again and loving it. The food and the work are just bout the same as I remember them. Tho... there are more cafes now and I get a little more freedom with my work. But my hosts are great and I'm pretty excited about my project!

My parents sound like they are having a pretty good trip. I saw them last on Wednesday when they came to work with me for breakfast. It was quite an experience I wish I could have thought faster of what to show them and where to take them on campus. I think they enjoyed seeing the place anyways. They call me from time to time and get me to pass on the message that they are still alive. Today they were waking up early to do a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. Should be amazing I hope they talk lots of pictures and that my mom isn't sick in the plane.

On Sunday, a group of interns and I headed up the 101 to Muir woods and did some hiking. I think we walked 4 miles uphill. We celebrated properly tho by going to the cheesecake factory for dinner. Surprisingly enough my knees are fine... my calf muscles are KILLING me today tho... I can barely walk on my one leg... its like when you get that muscle cramp in the back of your calf... and it won't relax!

The Kittens!
The kittens are doing good. They are SO cute you just can't get enough of them until they are fighting and jumping on you while you are trying to watch a movie and their tiny little claws are sticking in your skin. We took them to the vet this morning to get them all checked out and make sure they are really healthy. So far so good.

I give up... thats all for now.

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