As I sip some warm java coffee and procrastinate studying for my midterms of the week... let me tell you about my weekend so far.
Friday: I had been dreading this day, two very important presentations to do today. First was my cognitive walkthrough for work and testing a new appliction for the school. Went well.. we ran out of time to do all the tasks but I think the method worked and we got a lot of good feedback and things to change. Second was my work term presentation... scheduled for 20 minutes and I felt like had about 30 minutes of stuff... i talked fast and fit it in 17 minute plus Q&A time. It was beautiful! reviews came back and everyone agreed. I felt much relief after it was done. Friday night... I actually should have been starting to study for my next midterms but I felt like I needed a little break and I didn't want to be studying on a Friday night ... my sister would be so disappointed. So we watched the movie
Labyrinth digitally remastered of course.
Saturday: Woke up late, Went to the Mall, Made some delicious chili in the slow cooker. And then we went to celebrate Michelle's Birthday. Great party at the bar near campus... within walking distance from the apartment. Good turnout and lots of laughs. I seriously lost my voice and my hearing last night.
Some of the best quotes (I will not explain them any further):
"I'm White and over 6 feet tall... I'M NOT DANCING"
"Ha, I'd pay a $3 admission to see Tyler and Bendal wrestle in pudding"
"My shirt was actually wet!!!"

Happy Birthday Michelle... I hope you had fun!
Now that my coffee is done, I have to start studying for a class where I don't understand the prof, there is no textbook, and only half the slides are posted online. Should be