Tuesday, October 17

How Tabbed Browsing Ruined my Degree

Many of my classes are into midterms now. And that means studying.
Unfortunatly I have to do a lot of studying on my computer... and my computer is connected to the internet... Thus... hours of distraction and procrastination right at my fingertips. While studying for my Operating System midterm, (which went well) I discovered how much tabbed browsing has effected me. While I was studying I had 2 firefox browsers open with at least 5 tabs (sometimes up to 15) in each browser. The first browser was filled with scholarly tabs related mostly to operating systems and helping me study or take note (thank you writely). The second browser is filled with distractions ... gmail, ataraxis, forums, digg... etc... Suuure slows down the studying process.

There was more that I wanted to add to this but I'm not in a writing mood at the moment... Going to not thinking for a while and unwind after my midterm.


Ola said...

I know what you mean. Combining tabbed browsing with the Session saver extension means I can have firefox open as long as I want and kill it whenever its memory problem rears its ugly head.

Vince said...


The Internet is definitely becoming a social problem that will need to be addressed in the future. Add in the ability to surf on cell phones and the industry's trend towards connecting people online all the time, where ever they are, and it's just getting scary.

Unknown said...

I was thinking about this topic today... how it has increased the productivity of academic researchers and everyone else who are trying to connect a wide variety of facts into new ideas, meta synthesis and theory. Your post brings up the the ugly twin side of the topic... the distraction coefficient. I'm going to keep researching this and see if any real research had been conducted.