Thursday, October 5

Not going to be Homeless!

We signed a lease last night! I have a new place to live, with a ton of room. We have the main floor and the basement. There are two guys that live upstairs but they shouldn't be a problem. Our only hangup was that our utilities might be expensive. But it had everything else on our list. And it was very clean and unique in a good way. There is hardware floor everywhere so we are looking for some large area rugs. Also have a nice backyard for some good summertime bbqs!

In order to pay for this new place I'm going to have to do some work. I've got some great ideas for new testing methods for all the different project at the university. They have been relying on lab studies as the only method for too long. We are going to try a cognitive walkthrough, I've never done one but I'm ready to try. I'm just waiting on reading material so I can learn some more about it first. If anyone has any suggestion for this method let me know. If you have any other methods that are new and interesting I'd love to hear about it.

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