Monday, April 3


But First, you know what I hate about blogger? Its hard to figure out where to sign in. I can be looking at my blog and want to sign in to make a new post and I have to go all the way back to the main page to sign in. Just not very user friendly.

So many choices and decisions to make...
I'm looking at buying a new laptop with part of my relocation bonus, something nice a portable and that I can travel with when I'm communting. Also I think I'll upgrade the digital camera I wanted in the last post.

Sorry Folks, I'm not planning on disclosing how much I'm making while I'm there, you'll just have to keep imaging.

Now I have to get all the ducks lined up. Make sure I'm totally obsessive about the details and pray everything goes according to plan. I have meetings going on all week to get things in line.

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