Sunday, August 13

Procrastinating again....

So I had the whole weekend off, Sean was working and the interns who are left were looking forward to a low profile weekend. I was thinking I would get some work done on my report and as many co-op students are starting to complain and the like its just more fun to procrastinate it. I have a good two weeks to do the report from start to finish and I should take that long if I'm doing my job right. (I also found out I can work on it at work) So instead this weekend I did a whole bunch of nothing and it was awesome! Last night we did all end up going to Google and watching some arrested development which was pretty funny. I haven't seen the first season in a long time.

Now I'm back at Panera. Sean should be done at 6 but theres a pretty big line up out the door and it doesn't look promising that he will be on time. No worries... I have my laptop and my DS I'm good for hours.

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