Wednesday, July 12

Mandatory Fun

Today was the official intern scavenger hunt (mandatory.. heheh). I'm really tired from it so this post might not make a lot of sense. anyways. Google rounded up half of their interns and took them to SF for the hunt. It was a pretty fun day, kinda stressful at times and a LOT of walking.

So what it really means is there are many googlers wandering around trying to figure out complex "clues" while trying to get to the next location... on the other side of the city... to take a group picture at the proper location. Also, people doing crazy things to get the bonus pictures. I scratched my arm climbing up the tree.

Some of the other groups wee running... RUNNING which is crazy.

Then... Time was up so we are all STARVING, cause we have been walking around and the such so we expect when we get back to the starting point there would be food.... Nope!... we have to wait till we get back to the googleplex before we can have food... but they do offer energy bars. ? Denying googlers food is like the most evil of all sins I think... almost unforgivable. Then after we got back and finally got food i had work to do... rest of the day not to eventful. ... Oh... on the drive home I saw this kid trying to throw a knife to make it stick in the tree. It was odd.

I have a few pictures of the sights in SF but really there was no time to look around.

Funny Note: there are public toilets at the wharf are basically the opposite of everything that the Google ones are. 1. no toilet seats, so it makes them very hard to be heated. 2. no automatic flush 3. no automatic water in the sink. 4. no place to dry your hands. basically... they are pretty scarry and smell like pee.

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