Tuesday, July 11

Tuesday Update

Wow okay so I haven't updated in a while cause I don't really know what to write about, but today is Tuesday and I have a few extra minutes so I'm going to try and write something.

The Weekend: Saturday was spend not doing too much. Sean worked all day and then went to see pirates with people from his work, so I went out with some of the other interns. Ended up at Work using the projectors to watch 40 yr old virgin. Which was alright, not really what I was in the mood for, but funny nonetheless. Sunday was spend at the exploratorium in SanFran which ended with the group groping around in the dark at the tactile dome. Well.. Then the electricity went out and we went to find food. Science museum was pretty fun tho, all the flashing lights gave me a headache for a while.

The Work: Monday 3 participants makes for a busy day. I was barely at my desk all day but there was lots of work for me to do so I was happy. Today I have 5 studies to attend and if I could be in two places at the same time it would be 6. However this morning Sean worked early so instead of going home and going back to sleep for a few hours I came into work. And finally went to the Gym (YAY ME). It was pretty cool. I only did half a work out cause I think I should ease back into it. Now I'm kinda dizzy so I have to finish this bottle of Gatorate soon.

My laundry is almost done so I should wrap this up. Lately I've been conflicted about this blog. I have a lot of different people reading it and I've been trying to find the balance to please them all. I don't want to write strictly personal stuff but I can't write about work that much. Any suggestions or comments are welcome.


Anonymous said...

your updates are just fine

Anonymous said...

if your writing, i'm reading.

Anonymous said...

What they said

Anonymous said...

Hey Janna...I just like to hear what's going on! Write whatever comes to mind unless its some crazy techie code that I won't understand! See you soon!

Anonymous said...

It should be all tech, all the time. Blow the Google secrets wide open, expose code loopholes and scandalous usability decisions on the web! You'll be famous!

Or, you know, you could keep writing like you have been and keep your audience checking back for updates.

You know my vote!

JL said...

Aww thanks guys!