Monday, July 31

Wedding Weekend

Currently on the flight back to SFO and just playing around on my computer. I’m learning how to type with my new nails that I had done for the wedding. It’s not going well so far but I think this is going to be a long post so I should be better by the end.


- Business class on Air Canada

- Flights to Canada

- The rehearsal party

- The wedding

Firstly, the business class on Air Canada flights are treated extremely well. I’m currently sitting in the first row behind the first class passengers. My foot is technically in first class… but no one is rubbing it yet. Anyways, they are getting a full warm meal tonight, big comfy chairs and nice pillows. It wouldn’t be that bad or much different except I can smell the food here and the soup smells really nice.

The fights on the way to TO were pretty good, a little turbulence on landing but nothing that was that bad. The air in Toronto was thick with humidity and grossness. My Sister was there right away and it was pretty great to see her. Her boyfriend was soon there to pick us all up in the rented PT Cruiser. Pretty funky car, there is a analog clock in the dash… weird. Thursday night was spent at Jake and Amy’s house, chilling and talking with everyone. Cousin Jason, showed up a little late (4 hours) cause of traffic.

Friday was set for the rehearsal and of course the rehearsal party. Mom and Dad showed up about 12ish after Jake and Amy served a great breakfast. …First class is currently being served warm towels … anyway, Amy and I got our nails done and it still feels weird. I actually broke one which is pretty sad, I was going to try to keep them even tho they scare me. Party after went great, everyone got drunk and I learned all new things about my parents and their friends.

The wedding was great, really well done. It did rain as we were getting ready and unfortunately we couldn’t get any pictures outside before the wedding. Wedding went really well, everyone looked great, pictures will follow when I get some from family. (I didn’t have my camera) The party after was awesome, Food was good, speeches went well, and the dancing was awesome. I think we shocked some of Amy’s family. Particularly when we were singing the “wrong” words to MonyMony. Or when Jake was floating around during Home for a Rest. We had a special rendition of Friends in Low Places for the Weber and Riddell children that Julie once again put together. Can’t wait for pictures.

That’s all for now. Think I am going to nap or watch the movie. Can’t wait to check my millions of emails, I’ve been disconnected for too long.

I gave the family some t-shirts

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