Thursday, September 14

Becarful in Parking Lots

So... Heres what happened.

So I'm in a parking lot, and theres someone on the right with her blinker on... So either there is a car she is waiting on or shes just waiting for someone to show up. Anyways, I go around her very slowly to see watching to see if i can tell what shes waiting for... all of the sudden there is a bicycler infront of my car... and then on the ground...

Everyone is fine. The car is fine. I'm still freaked out.

My parents didn't really like the story tho.

1 comment:

Miki_Mouse said...

I was there and it totally wasn't your fault, the bike came out between a van and an SUV, so there was like a one second window between when he was visible, and when he was in front of the car. I think the bike guy new it was kinda his fault because he seemed kinda embarrassed about the whole thing too--note to bikers: be careful going through cars in parking lots!!