Tuesday, September 26

So Very Tired

Tuesday kill me.

I am so very tired today, I honestly couldn't keep my eyes open in networking. It was horrible. I didn't have coffee... but I'm trying to not depend on coffee if I can... I'm working on all my addictions.... Except for the internet addiction, unlike Vince I don't mind my internet addiction.

I could/should go to the gym today, however I had a decent excuse... On Thursday I've finally made a doctors appointment for my knee. I'll see if there is anything they can do for me, hopefully I'll still be okay to work out eventually. I'm betting they are going to send me for Xrays.

I couldn't get to sleep last night. My mind just wouldn't shut up. There was a million things I was supposed to do today but somehow I have them done already ... or they aren't that important to me.

My roommates and I are thinking about moving. Not for the shear joy of moving ... but because the neighbourhood we live in is a little to sketchy and the landlord has pushed us a few too many times. Trying to see if we can get something bigger and better for the same price.

That might be all the updates I have for now. The election is tomorrow and altho I haven't done a lot of campaging I'm fairly confident in my position. Hopefully the people will pull through for me.

1 comment:

Vince said...

If you win, I think you owe me something.