Wednesday, June 21

I can see my house from here!

Last week I guess I missed a very important product release. Google Earth has released their next version... WITH MORE IMAGES. Windsor has now become crystal clear, Bermuda is getting better, Grand Bend hasn't changed, And it can now find Little Britan in Ontario.

Can spend hours flying around and looking at all the cool stuff, I really suggest you try it for yourself. Get Google Earth

Other cool places.... Oakville is super high res now so I'm sure you can see Ava's house. Minneapolis is getting better in the suburbs so Sean's moms house is visable. A ton of stuff around here looks great. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Big Brother is watching... Its kinda scary. If civilians have access to pictures that are THAT high res, imagine what the gov't/military might have?

JL said...

The government doesn't need to move satalites to see you...

Its not like they are live images anyways.

Anonymous said...

True, they're not live. But given the rate of technological advance, could a live video feed be far away?

I'm not really a conspiracy-ist, I'm just looking at what we have and thinking about where it could go...

The pic above the Googleplex is really high res... Looks more like a photo taken from an airplane or something...