Tuesday, June 20

That's a Lot of Email...

I spent a good portion of my day yesterday sorting through last weeks work emails. Didn't miss anything too important I don't think. I now have about 4 different projects that I'm part of. Which is great, I love having work to do. Nothing is overly urgent so I'm taking my time to get to it, so that I can do my best.

Would be very cool to be able to come back here next summer. I'm really enjoying the job so far, and I have learned SO much about everything. Many life lessons about moving across country and who to trust and who to talk to. Plus it shouldn't be as hard next year if I already have a SSN.

Starting to go a little stir crazy just working and going home tho. A group of the interns went surfing last weekend, which would have been a lot of fun. And now that the weather is getting warmer here (finally) I'm ready to go to the beach and touring around. There was a group of interns who enjoy photography, maybe they are ready to go touring too.

This morning's coffee is doing weird things to my head... I totally feel like I'm spinning. Weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure you get out lots with your friends, you never know who you might grow/learn to love out there in the world. Make the most of it babe, life is too short to watch tv and surf the web all day! (But keep bloggin, it makes me feel closer to you!) Miss You already! J