Thursday, June 1


I suppose I should write a little something, I haven't been adding everyday like I planned. Today I'm slightly between job. Well actually I should be doing research about my next project but I'm not ready to start reading a whole lot of papers yet. I feel like most of my post aren't about work so much and I'm sure that is disappointing to some people back home who are checking the site strickly for GGossip... hum or would that be Goossip since it already starts with a G. I haven't figured out all the naming rules yet but I know that Google likes their G as much as Mac likes their I. As far as work goes a typical day for me starts at about 9 and ends at about 7. Long days but there are a lot of food breaks inbetween. I would say that I spend a large chunk of my day reading and responding to emails. Thats how just about everyone communicates here, I have a phone at my desk but I never use it. So far everyone has been very nice, I'm sure its cause I look like the most lost intern ever, tho. For the most part, the badge color you wear on your name tag is the only way to tell what type of worker you are here.

Other than that, my eyes go blurry all the time now. I get up an walk away from the computer every once in a while cause my eyes feel like they are going crosseyed and I'm sure I look like I'm in a daze when I walk away. Just concentrating too hard I suppose.

As I've always said to the participants in my studies, "Feel free to ask questions, I may not be able to answer you tho for one reason or another, but ask anyways."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.