Monday, June 26

Wow... That was a long Monday.

It's shortly after 8 and I just got home from work. Mondays are very long days. Mostly filled with meetings, and I spend a good chunk of my day observing studies. Really interesting stuff. I've learned a lot here so far, my old boss back home is going to be totally impressed when I get back I hope he'll not only give me a part time job, but that hes saving some cool projects for me.

I have some stuff that I really want to try to read through tonight, it was my goal to finish it today but it hasn't happened yet and since Sean is still at work for a few hours I might be able to do it and not get sucked into the video games.

We bought a Game Cube yesterday, and of course Super Smash Bros. So that's lots of entertainment. I'd like to note that I won the first game, of the first smash bros on the new system.

I also got my order from the Google store today. Fairly happy with everything. I love the sweater and workout towel. I haven't tried the laptop bag but it looks more than big enough. The laptop light however was broken, the lightbulb needs to be sodered back into place ... so I guess I have to return it. If anyone really wants something from the store let me know.


Anonymous said...

WOOHOO.... gone to california to play video games....

JL said...

I know you are judging me.

Anonymous said...

not a judgment just a comment