Sunday, June 18

So many things to write about... I've forgotten them all

I'm back in Cali. Very short, unexpected trip home. As you might have guessed, my grandfather passed away. The funeral was Friday and was a very nice service, very sad. My sister did an excellent job giving a short speech about Grandpa, made everyone cry a fair deal. The funeral was followed by a good ol fashioned lunch at the community centre, put on by Church ladies, with tiny salmon sandwiches and homemade pickles. Very country, very refreshing. I'm not going to say much more than that cause I don't think this is the place for it.

The flights back to CA were incredibly smooth. Probably the best I've been on in a long time. My only trouble was coming back to the long term parking lot and forgetting where I parked. I think I scared my Dad pretty good, he was calling and emailing all night till I finally talked to him. (sorry)

In other news:
Picasa web albums are in "test" instead of beta. Which is really cool, I've been waiting a long time for them to be released, I don't have many pictures on this computer so my albums are still limited, I'll be adding more over the summer. But I'll still likely use Kodak as well.

I got my first paycheck, however I'm still waiting on my backpay from last month.

I finally finished the Da Vinci Code this morning. Good book, better than the movie but the movie was good to see first. Helped me visualise a few things and helped me not be so mad when they were taking too long to get to the point, cause I knew what the point was already.

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