Thursday, May 11

Hopefully one of my last big purchases

I suppose in comparison its not a big purchase... just something to get around with this summer. If the heat doesn't kill me. Biking home from walmart today in jeans with a heavy backpack wasn't that much fun. BUT I have a new bike to get from here to there with. The picture makes it look blue but its more green really. Its out on the patio right now. I'm not sure if I will ever use the helmet, but I thought to myself "what would aunt deb do?" and I bought the helmet just in case.

Did some exploring today... Everything I need is fairly close to here. Theres a great store across the road... almost the same as Walgreens. And Blockbuster is like two seconds away. And most importantly (maybe)... expensive coffee from starbucks. Tomorrow going to set up the bank account hopefully. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hey, the helmets might be required by law. Better check with someone local. :) I'll see you at orientation!

JL said...

I figured they would be required, however I didn't see any other bikers with them. I was also on the sidewalk, which i'm sure they don't like.

anyways...see you on tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Careful on walmart bikes. They can be craptacular (I bought one for a friend at the MTV walmart, and the brakes were not tightend [or put on properly]). I recommend taking it to the google bike mechanic and having it checked out if your going to ride it to work.

JL said...

Thanks for the advice... I'll definatly try do that when I get there... Hopefully it will last the summer

Anonymous said...

Hey people, no dissing wal-mart products... my bike is from wal-mart and it's PIMP!

I'm glad you are having fun in the sun!! We had a ton of rain fall and thunder yesterday :(

Anonymous said...

google has a bike mechanic. how cool is that!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.