Wednesday, May 10


HEY I made it!

I'm here... in Cali... sitting on my couch... stealing wireless internet from a neighbour... going to keep this short incase i get cut off... but the flights went well... its been a very long day... all my luggage got here and the apartment looks great... freshly painted. haven't ate anything yet. May wander later... they are still setting up the furnishings in my apartment.... all the extra stuff like dishes and sheet... I should probably be helping...

I hit my head pretty hard on my way out of the cab... which was less than $50 before tip so it was better than i was expecting but my head really hurts...

now i can't get a hold of anyone on my phone... no phone set up in here just yet... I'll let you know!


Anonymous said...

well that is great to hear we knew you could do it from the proud of you! get some rest and food and start tommorow fresh is a great adventure.... you go girl
love ya

Anonymous said...

Great that you made it. Yay for unsecured wirless routers! :D

Good luck & have a great summer!

Anonymous said...

[generic congratulatory comment]!